Change in the mind of the strategist

I am glad to share with you my latest book on strategic change, "Change in the Mind of the Strategist." After years of practical experience and scientific research, I have developed insights that may help you succeed in changing employee behavior and realizing the benefits changes aim to achieve.

Managing strategic and large-scale change can be an organization's most difficult challenge. So, I want to share a practical, thought-through, and validated way of working with you. By letting strategy guide change and ensuring the management of change delivers desired strategic outcomes, we can overcome some challenges. Strategy and change are two sides of the same coin, and must be managed accordingly.

No organization can do everything for everyone; limited resources must be used effectively. A systematic way of working helps us adapt to a world and markets in constant motion.

If want a copy of the book, you can get it wherever books are sold, e.g. here where you can also browse it. And if you are interested in buying more than 25 copies, please don't hesitate to contact me directly for a more affordable option (being an author has a few perks).

Lastly, but definitely not least, I want to give a tremendous shoutout to the following friends: Eva Åkesson, Maria Anjou, Thomas Kalling, Robert Winneborn, Patrik Hamann, Jörgen Svonni, Jörgen Dahlström, Per Wilhelmsson and Karin Wadström Sjöstedt
Without your input, the book would not be what it is today.


Förändring i huvudet på en strateg


Strategi är ett verb (fortfarande, och kanske ännu mer idag)